Discover the next generation of advertising

Christopher Demetrakos

Christopher Demetrakos

Do not let your business fall behind in the ever changing world of advertising

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I can also do a consultation with you to understand why people are not currently resonating with your advertisement.


I am a copywriter, the wordsmith behind the scenes, crafting compelling written content that convinces customers to not just buy a product, but to resonate with the products.

Who am I?

Neuroscientist, 25+ year ad guy, and architect of PsyCom: The New Science of Customer Creation. Copywriter of cognitive resonance (still like to get my hands dirty! Inquire below).

When you know the actual psych profiles of those who have highest affinity for your product, no more guessing, you have the marketing easy button.

Only cognitively resonant messages are SEEN (you see 10k ads a day, how many can you remember?), and only cognitive resonance triggers the appropriate neuromodulator that inspires people to action (read: purchase, revenue).

That’s customer creation according to the physics of human behavior. Full spectrum cognition? We’re the only game in the global village.

If you care about marketing that generates revenue and plants your brand inextricably in the minds of consumers without fail, according to neuroscience, then we’re likely a fit!

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If you want to learn more about the future of advertising reach out!
